STAY ....
Stay... I said... it just came from deep within
‘I am right here’ .... he said
Little did I know the distances would kick in
Geography is so unfair...
Sometimes the promises we make in that moment in time
Make us think deep and hard, even make us fret
But it is these random words that are forever etched in heart and mind
For true love is expressed in these smallest moments, so hard to get...
Do you think absence makes the heart grow fonder?
Or do you think out of sight is out of mind?!
Take a deep breath and really ponder
For a true soulmate is hard to find ...
I wish you stayed... and that time stood still..
I just wish I knew how truly you felt ...
Tears pouring down in my coffee as I stand confused
Sometimes feeling lost, torn and brutally bruised...
But just once I wish you said everything with no restraints...
That will be the eternal elixir the cure for all un healing pain.
Stay.... I said!!